
家系ラーメン 食べ物・飲み物・料理・レシピ

 フードファイターでYoutuberのえびまよこと海老原まよい(えびはら まよい)さん(28歳)が、神奈川県横浜市神奈川区西神奈川(かながわけん よこはまし かながわく にしかながわ)にあるラーメン店『家系ラーメン とらきち家』(いえけいラーメン とらきちや)に於いて、制限時間無しで、『デカ盛りラーメン』5kgと『チャーシュー丼』2kgの総重量7kgの店主愛情盛りセットメニューに挑戦する様子です。
Japanese to English translation by Google
Mayoi Ebihara (28 years old), a food fighter and Youtuber, has opened a ramen shop called Iekei Ramen Torakichi'' in Nishi-Kanagawa, Kanagawa Ward, Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture. At Iekei Ramen Torakichi-ya, they will be trying out the owner's love-filled set menu, which has a total weight of 7kg, consisting of 5kg ofBig Ramen” and 2kg of Char Siu Bowl'', with no time limit. This time, Ebimayo will continue eating the "Dekamori Ramen", which is a thick pork bone soy sauce soup with pork that is as thick as bread, and changes the taste by adding grated garlic and chopped ginger. . Afterwards, you can eat thechar siu bowl”, which consists of small pieces of pork topped with soy sauce and green onions, and change the taste by adding mayonnaise, garlic chips, etc.
The sight of Ebimayo eating deliciously with her sleeves rolled up makes her look like a true food fighter.

[YouTube] 【大食い】家系ラーメンの大人気店で総重量不明のデカ盛りセットにチャレンジ【海老原…
