
パンケーキ 食べ物・飲み物・料理・レシピ

 料理動画クリエイターのバヤシ(@BayashiTV_)こと中林宏明(なかばやし ひろあき)さん(34歳)が、パンケーキを作る時のライフハックの様子です。
Translated from Japanese by Google
Cooking video creator Hiroaki Nakabayashi (@BayashiTV_) (34 years old) shows life hacks when making pancakes.
To make perfect pancakes, just flip the frying pan – this life hack
Rather than the life hack that Mr. Bayashi introduces, you may have a stronger impression that it is a sweet that is eaten by eating a stick-shaped lump of butter with pancakes and drizzled with honey. I’m curious about the calories in this pancake…

[YouTube] Pancake Lifehack 🥞🧈
