
食材を茹でている人 食べ物・飲み物・料理・レシピ

 釣り名人を目指している怪魚ハンターのマルコスさん(31歳)が、沖縄県の沖縄本島北端にある国頭村(くにがみそん)まで行って釣った『チャイロマルハタ』を、大阪府泉佐野市(おおさかふ いずみさのし)にある泉佐野漁業協同組合直結の青空市場内に出店している彼女の親戚の鮮魚店『えぼし』の調理場を借りて、母親のママコスさん(51歳)と一緒に捌いて、自宅で鍋料理にして美味しく食べる様子です。
Translated from Japanese by Google
Marcos (31), a monstrous fish hunter who aspires to become a fishing master, went to Kunigami Village, located at the northern tip of the main island of Okinawa Prefecture, to catch the “Brown Grouper” in Izumisano City, Osaka Prefecture. She borrowed the kitchen of her relative’s fresh fish shop “Eboshi”, which has a store in the open-air market directly connected to the Izumisano Fisheries Cooperative Association in Fu Izumi Sanoshi, and her mother Mamakos (51 years old). It looks like she handles it with her and makes it a hot pot dish at her home and eats it deliciously.
This time, Marcos, who has a fish allergy, will serve her family by cooking her ‘Chairo Maruhata’ hotpot.

[YouTube] 巨大ハタを釣っちゃったのでいただきます!!!
