
山 自然・植物

 アラサーでバイク乗りの独ヲタ女子*アッキーさんが、長野県北佐久郡軽井沢町(ながのけん きたさくぐん かるいざわまち)にある『KARUIZAWA CAMP GOLD』(軽井沢キャンプゴールド)の小宮山文太(こみやま ぶんた)支配人の助言を得ながら、自身のキャンプ場を作ることを述べています。
Translated from Japanese by Google
Akky, a single otaku who rides a motorcycle in around the world, is Bunta Komiyama of “KARUIZAWA CAMP GOLD” in Karuizawa-machi, Kitasaku-gun, Nagano Prefecture. With the manager’s advice, he plans to build his own campsite.
This time, Akki shows her around the forest she has already purchased, and tells Komiyama for the first time that she is going to build a campsite. Frankly speaking, I feel that it was not too late even after consulting Mr. Komiyama before purchasing the forest.

[YouTube] 貯金、全て突っ込んでキャンプ場作るので土地を買いました。【独身アラサー女】
