
車の交通事故 旅行・イベント

 Junya_k Jinuwine(@jazzyjunya78)さんが運転する自動車のドライブレコーダーが記録した、10月31日(月)の午前11時前頃、東京都中央区日本橋の交差点で、白いベントレーと対向車線から右折しようとしたタクシーが衝突する事故のy様子です。
Translated from Japanese by Google
Junya_k Jinuwine (@jazzyjunya78) was driving a car, recorded by the drive recorder, around 11:00 am on Monday, October 31st, at an intersection in Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, where he tried to turn right from the oncoming lane with a white Bentley. It is the state of an accident in which a taxi that has crashed.
At an intersection, if you go straight while using your right turn signal, how do you think it will cause an accident?
According to the Metropolitan Police Department, the woman (in her 60s) who was driving the Bentley said, “She entered the right turn lane, but when she stopped turning right and went straight into the intersection, she collided with a taxi turning right. It seems that he is talking. In this accident, the taxi driver and three passengers complained of neck and back pain and were transported to the hospital, all of which are said to be minor injuries.

[Twitter] 日本橋交差点で交通事故。白い乗用車が右折のウインカー出しながら直進して…
