
あぶらとり紙を使う女性 旅行・イベント

 ファッションモデルで女優の仲里依紗(なか りいさ)さん(32歳)が、自宅で携帯電話のアップデート作業中に、妹(次女)のまりあさんと子育てや体の具合等について語り、仲里依紗さんの顔の皮脂などをあぶらとり紙でとる様子です。
Translated from Japanese by Google
Riisa Naka (32 years old), a fashion model and actress, talked with her younger sister (second daughter) Maria about raising children and her physical condition while updating her mobile phone at home. It looks like you are removing sebum from your face with oil blotting paper.
This time, Maria stayed up late and seemed to enjoy her stay.

[YouTube] まりあちゃんとお泊まり会して子育てトーク🤱からの女優のあぶらとり紙チャレンジ…
