
食事をしている男性 食べ物・飲み物・料理・レシピ

 お笑いタレントの江頭2:50こと江頭秀晴〈えがしら ひではる〉さん(57歳)が、東京都中央区にある『築地魚河岸』(つきじうおがし)3階の『フードコート 魚河岸食堂』内の『つきじ小田保』(つきじおだやす)で、エビ・カニクリームコロッケ定食の朝食を食べる様子です。江頭2:50さんは、行く途中の1階にある水産物を販売する店舗で色々と試食した影響もあって、ブリーフ団Lさんが勧めるチャーシューエッグ定食を食べる気持ちにならなかったようです。
Translated from Japanese by Google
Comedian Hideharu Egashira (57 years old), also known as Egashira 2:50, is in the “Food Court Uogashi Shokudo” on the 3rd floor of “Tsukiji Uogashi” in Chuo-ku, Tokyo. Eating a shrimp and crab cream croquette set for breakfast at “Tsukiji Odaho”. Mr. Egashira 2:50 didn’t feel like eating the char siu egg set meal recommended by Mr. Brief-dan L, partly because he had tried various fish products at the seafood store on the first floor on the way there.
I’m interested in the fact that the person (Ataoka) who subscribed to the YouTube channel “Ega Channel” was also here in Tsukiji.
In addition, “Tsukiji Uogashi” is a facility to pass on the vibrancy and bustle of Tsukiji to future generations, even after the Tsukiji market is relocated.

[YouTube] 江頭、最高の朝食を食べに行く
