
パン職人 旅行・イベント

 釣り名人を目指している怪魚ハンターのマルコスさんが、母親(ママコス)が14年間経営している大阪府泉南郡熊取町(おおさかふ せんなんぐん くまとりちょう)にある手作り工房『パンのみみ』を9月20日(火)に閉店することについて、ママコスさんにインタビューする様子です。
Translated from Japanese by Google
Marcos, a monstrous fish hunter who aspires to become a fishing master, owns the handmade workshop “Bread Mimi” in Kumatori-cho, Sennan-gun, Osaka Prefecture, which his mother (Mamakos) has run for 14 years. This is an interview with Mamakos about closing the store on Tuesday, September 20th.
This time, we are also interviewing Mamacos’ older sister, Ms. Kagumu, who has worked with us for 10 years. In the midst of the recent rise in prices, it seems that they have decided to close the store, although they have been trying not to raise prices and not to compromise quality.

[YouTube] 私からご報告があります。
