
頭に葉っぱを乗せたタヌキ ペット・動物

 CORE Kaopy(@core_kaopy)さんが、東京都新宿区および渋谷区にある、東日本旅客鉄道(株)の新宿駅の新南口改札付近で、駅員に誘導されるように後を付いて行くタヌキを見た様子です。
Translated from Japanese by Google
CORE Kaopy (@core_kaopy) saw a raccoon dog following near the new south exit ticket gates of Shinjuku Station on the East Japan Railway Company in Shinjuku and Shibuya Wards, Tokyo, as if guided by station staff. It looks like
The raccoon dog that suddenly appeared is not at all intimidated by the surrounding humans and is proud. It’s like a raccoon dog who came to visit the city and forgot to take on a disguise.

[Twitter] JR新宿駅構内にタヌキがいた。
