アイスクリーム『PARM(パルム) 安納芋』が期間限定で新発売

PARM(パルム) 安納芋 食べ物・飲み物・料理・レシピ

 アイスマン福留(@iceman_ax)さんが紹介する、乳製品メーカーの森永乳業(株)が製造・販売するアイスクリーム『PARM(パルム) 安納芋』が、 8月22日(月)から全国にて期間限定で新発売されている商品の光景です。
Translated from Japanese by Google
The ice cream “PARM Anno Potato” produced and sold by Morinaga Milk Industry Co., Ltd., introduced by Iceman Fukudome (@iceman_ax), will be available nationwide from Monday, August 22nd. It is a scene of the newly released product for a limited time.
The ice cream uses Anno sweet potatoes (produced in Tanegashima), so you can enjoy the rich taste of Anno sweet potatoes with a refreshing aftertaste. Also, it seems that you can also feel the sweet scent of baked sweet potato. If you like sweet potatoes, it may be an unbearable ice cream.

[Twitter] パルム新作「安納芋」ガチうま! みんな食べて!!!✨種子島産の安納芋を使った…
