
大盛りの焼きそば 食べ物・飲み物・料理・レシピ

 フードファイターでYoutuberのえびまよこと海老原まよいさん(27歳)が、大阪府大阪市にある『お好み焼き 銭形』(おこのみやき ぜにがた)で、山盛りソース焼きそば10人前を、制限時間20分以内に総重量3㎏のチャレンジメニューに挑戦する様子です。
Translated from Japanese by Google
Food fighter and Youtuber Ebimayoko and Ebihara Mayoi (27 years old) are “Okonomiyaki Zenigata” (Okonomiyaki Zenigata) in Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture. It looks like it will challenge the challenge menu with a total weight of 3 kg within.
She has failed at okonomiyaki before, so she is determined not to make a second mistake and tries yakisoba. This time, she seems to find it difficult to eat the yakisoba on the iron plate because it looks hot until the end. However, Mayoi Ebihara is the one who eats beautifully and deliciously until the end.

[YouTube] 【大食い】激熱ソース焼きそば10人前20分のチャレンジメニューに挑戦【海老原…
