
バイクが好きな人 自動車・乗り物

 バイク乗りの独ヲタ女子*アッキーさんが、元日本テレビアナウンサーでYouTuberのクノッキーこと久野静香(くの しずか)さん(33歳)とコラボレーションして、バイクツーリングをする様子です。
Translated from Japanese by Google
Single nerd girl *Akky who rides a motorcycle collaborates with former Nippon Television announcer and YouTuber Shizuka Kuno (33 years old), also known as Knokki, to go on a motorcycle touring.
Even though both of us are on a diet, we eat yakiniku, rice, and vegetables for lunch. Two people who have the theory that if you eat vegetables, you can eat as much as you want. You seem to get along.

[YouTube] 元女子アナが大食いすぎて一緒にいると痩せない件【バイク女子】
