
お弁当 食べ物・飲み物・料理・レシピ

 ファッションモデルで女優の仲里依紗(なか りいさ)さん(32歳)が、妹のれいなさんと一緒に、息子のトカゲ君の作り置き弁当を、妹のまりあさんから教わる様子です。
Translated from Japanese by Google
Fashion model and actress Riisa Naka (32 years old) is learning from her sister Maria about her son’s lizard-kun’s bento box with her sister Reina.
Maria is also a housewife who represents Nakaya, and the dishes that are easily and skillfully prepared look delicious and are like a mirror of a housewife.

[YouTube] 仲三姉妹まりあちゃんクッキング👩‍🍳トカゲくんの作り置き弁当レシピを伝授して…
