
温泉 旅行・イベント

 プロ野球球団『北海道日本ハムファイターズ』の野球監督であるshinjo.freedomこと新庄剛志(しんじょう つよし)さんが、休日を一緒に過ごした愛犬ヲォルクとのツーショットの光景です。
Translated from Japanese by Google
Tsuyoshi Shinjo, the baseball manager of the professional baseball team “Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters”, is a two-shot scene with his dog, Wolk, who spent his holidays with him.
It seems that he enjoyed a trip to the spring of Lake Shikotsu in Chitose City, Hokkaido. This time, for some reason, Wolk’s face is hidden by a stamp and it is NG. He has appeared on Tsuyoshi Shinjo’s Instagram many times and has always appeared. I can’t read Tsuyoshi Shinjo’s intention at all.

[Instagram] 支笏湖の旅から帰って来ました😊🤙‼️ 温泉最高♨️👌‼️
