
旅行の荷物をまとめている人 旅行・イベント

 日本に帰化した中華人民共和国北京市生まれのタレントでモデルのてんちむこと橋本甜歌(はしもと てんか)さんが、急遽予定を変更してフィンランドへ行く様子です。
Translated from Japanese by Google
Tenka Hashimoto, a talent and model born in Beijing, People’s Republic of China, who was naturalized in Japan, seems to change her schedule and go to Finland in a hurry.
In Ashikaga City, Tochigi Prefecture, Tenka Hashimoto and her childhood friend Shin-chan and Shin-Taman will help with packing. It is a reliable Shintama-san. I am worried about the current drastic changes in the world situation due to the corona whirlpool.

[YouTube] ぼちぼち緊急で動画回してます
