
ワカサギ釣り 趣味・特技

 お笑いタレントの江頭2:50(えがしら にじごじゅっぷん)さん(56歳)が、長野県南佐久郡小海町(ながのけん みなみさくぐん こうみまち)にある松原湖で、2時起きして真冬の早朝にワカサギ釣りを楽しむ様子です。
Translated from Japanese by Google
Owarai tarento Egashira 2:50 (56 years old) is at 2 o’clock at Lake Matsubara in Koumi-cho, Minamisaku-gun, Nagano Prefecture. It seems that he wakes up and enjoys fishing for smelt in the early morning of midwinter.
With the support of local smelt fishing masters, you can see the charm and difficulty of smelt fishing. This time, you may feel like having fun in the wilderness even with the corona vortex.

[YouTube] 江頭釣り部〜冬の陣〜 旬のワカサギを喰らう!
