
おもちゃと遊ぶ犬 ペット・動物

 zalamanさんが紹介する、飼い主が、愛犬のショートヘアード・ハンガリアン・ビズラ(Shorthaired Hungarian Vizsla)の為に、愛犬が選んだ犬用のおもちゃを店で飼ってあげる様子です。
Japanese to English translation by Google
Mr. zalaman introduces an owner of his dog, Shorthaired Hungarian Vizsla, who is giving him a dog toy chosen by his dog at a store.
Even on the way home, my dog holds a pink piggy toy in his mouth and takes it with him. I feel like I can feel the dog’s happiness.

Happiness moment

[Imgur] Happiness moment
