ファッションモデルで女優の仲里依紗(なか りいさ)さん(34歳)が、約1年前に千葉県浦安市舞浜にある東京ディズニーを家族等で訪れた日に購入したディズニーグッズを紹介する様子です。
Japanese to English translation by Google
Fashion model and actress Riisa Naka (34 years old) is introducing the Disney goods she purchased on the day she visited Tokyo Disney with her family in Maihama, Urayasu City, Chiba Prefecture about a year ago. .
The reason why it’s now time for me to introduce what she bought seems to be due to adult circumstances related to her work, Riisa Naka.
Riisa Naka realizes that she didn’t seem to remember what she bought at that time, and she bought sweets, but the expiration date has already passed…
[YouTube] ディズニー爆買いが久々になったのは大人の事情があったからですが…またこの女は…