
サウナ 趣味・特技

 女優の川口春奈(かわぐち はるな)さん(28歳)が、長野県上水内郡信濃町野尻(ながのけん かみみのちぐん しなのまち のじり)にある『The Sauna』へ、日帰りでやって来て、アウトドアサウナを体験できる本格派サウナ施設を利用する様子です。
Japanese to English translation by Google
Actress Haruna Kawaguchi (28 years old) came on a day trip to “The Sauna” in Nojiri, Shinanomachi, Kamimizuchi District, Nagano Prefecture. , it is like using an authentic sauna facility where you can experience an outdoor sauna.
Haruna Kawaguchi will experience the Lory sauna, which is a common method in Finland, the birthplace of saunas.
This time too, Haruna Kawaguchi will wear sauna clothes and repeat three sets of two steps: alternating between hot and cold in the sauna and cold water bath, and then take a bath in the open air (rest) for a “totonou” experience.

[YouTube] サウナーの聖地「The Sauna」に行ってきたよ!
