
柵をすり抜けて侵入する人 旅行・イベント

 YouTubeチャンネル『暗夜-ANNYA-』のYouTuberである桐木けん坊(とうき けんぼう)さんが管理している、茨城県にある幽霊屋敷S邸で、10月5日(木)に若者の男女6、7人が不法侵入をして窃盗や器物損壊を4台の防犯カメラが記録している様子です。
Japanese to English translation by Google
On October 5th (Thursday), 6 young men and women visited the haunted house S Mansion in Ibaraki Prefecture, which is managed by Kenbo Touki, a YouTuber of the YouTube channel “ANNYA-“. Four security cameras recorded seven people trespassing, stealing and damaging property.
These young people may think they are exploring the ruins, but when they walk into an empty house with their shoes on, they don’t seem to be conscious of committing a crime. Even if the security camera was destroyed by the intruder, the footage remained on the cloud. Kenbo Kiriki filed a complaint at the local police station and posted the details of the break-in on the internet, so it seems like it’s only a matter of time before the culprit is arrested.

[YouTube] 茨城県S邸 事件 ※犯行映像有り


[YouTube] 【ノーカット映像】 不法侵入・窃盗・器物損壊
