
テントを張ったキャンプ 趣味・特技

 バイク乗りで独身オタク女子のアッキーさん(30歳前後くらい)が、群馬県利根郡みなかみ町(ぐんまけん とねぐん みなかみまち)にある、温泉旅館ホテルサンバードが手がける『奥利根温泉サンバードキャンプガーデン』のキャンプ場で、一泊二日のソロキャンプをする様子です。
Japanese to English translation by Google
Akki (around 30 years old), a single otaku girl who rides a bike, is camping at Okutone Onsen Sunbird Camp Garden, which is managed by the hot spring inn Hotel Sunbird, located in Minakami-cho, Tone-gun, Gunma Prefecture. It’s like going solo camping for one night and two days.
This time, Akki is having a late summer vacation and is enjoying solo camping and sauna by setting up a tent for the first time in a while. As always, one person’s ability to be the best in the Three Kingdoms is evident.

[YouTube] 働き詰めにつき少し遅い念願の夏休みを満喫したい独身アラサー女
