YouTuberでクリエイティブアーティストのあさぎーにょさん( 29歳)が、鮭弁当を食べながら、学生時代に部活動をしていた人へ向けて、上下関係をうまく生き抜く方法について述べる様子です。
Japanese to English translation by Google
Asagi Nyo (29 years old), a YouTuber and creative artist, talks about how to successfully survive hierarchical relationships while eating a salmon bento to people who were involved in club activities when he was a student.
After entering an all-girls school for junior high and high school, Asaginyo joins the tennis club of her dreams. She spends her days there being yelled at by her seniors and learns a lot. It seems that one of the important things for her is to acquire her acting skills (expressive skills). Nowadays, it seems like what happened back then is a joke…
[YouTube] あんたいい加減にしいやぁ!!!!!