
チャーハン 食べ物・飲み物・料理・レシピ

 バイク乗りで独身オタク女子のアッキーさんが、長野県小諸市大久保(ながのけん こもろし おおくぼ)にある、自身がプロデュースしたキャンプ場『Twilight Forest』(略して、トワフォレ)に於いて、一人でスコップを使って超大盛りチャーハンを作る様子です。
Japanese to English translation by Google
Akki, a single otaku girl who rides a bike, is alone at the campground “Twilight Forest” (Twilight for short) that she produced in Okubo, Komoro City, Nagano Prefecture. This is how to make super large fried rice using a scoop.
It looks like Mr. Akki is having fun as he vigorously prepares delicious-looking pieces of fried rice that he serves to campsite users by mixing them together with a shovel.

[YouTube] スコップで超大盛りチャーハンをつくる独身女のキャンプ飯
