
会話型心理ゲーム 人狼 ゲーム

 お笑いタレントの江頭2:50こと江頭秀晴〈えがしら ひではる〉さん(58歳)が、、ブリーフ団と俳優でお笑い芸人のオラキオさん(46歳)の6人で、『人狼』(じんろう)ゲームを楽しむ様子です。
Japanese to English translation by Google
Comedian Hideharu Egashira (58 years old), also known as Egashira 2:50, and six people, including the Brief Group and actor and comedian Orakio (46 years old), joined the group Jinro'' (Jinro). ) It looks like they are enjoying the game. Mr. Egashira 2:50 seems to have a surprisingly expressive personality. TheWerewolf” game is a party game in which the participants are residents of a village, and the player uses conversation to find a liar “Werewolf” who disguises himself as a human during the day and pretends to be an ally at night.

[YouTube] 江頭、初めての人狼2
