
麻雀をしている人 ゲーム

 お笑いタレントの江頭2:50こと江頭秀晴〈えがしら ひではる〉さん(58歳)が、ブリーフ団と一緒に、グラビアアイドルでプロ雀士の岡田紗佳(おかだ さやか)さん(29歳)と麻雀で対決する様子です。
 今回、ナレーターでフリーアナウンサーの大熊英司(おおくま えいじ)さん(60歳)が実況して、プロ雀士の藤崎智(ふじさき さとし)さん(55歳)が解説します。
Translated from Japanese by Google
Comedian Hideharu Egashira (58 years old), also known as Egashira 2:50, played mahjong with gravure idol and professional mahjong player Sayaka Okada (29 years old) with the Brief Team. It looks like they will be competing against each other.
This time, narrator and freelance announcer Eiji Okuma (60 years old) will provide live commentary, and professional mahjong player Satoshi Fujisaki (55 years old) will provide commentary.
The match rule is 3 to 1, and the Egashira team has an overwhelming advantage…

[YouTube] 【麻雀】男3人で麻雀界イチの美人プロ、岡田紗佳をぶっ潰す!
