女優の川口春奈(かわぐち はるな)さん(28歳)が、東京都目黒区目黒(とうきょうと めぐろく めぐろ)にあるラーメン店『Ramen Break Beats』(らーめん ぶれいく びーつ)に行き、『特上 醤油 らぁ麺』とビールを1人で黙々と美味しそうに食べる様子です。
Translated from Japanese by Google
Actress Haruna Kawaguchi (28 years old) went to Ramen Break Beats, a ramen shop in Meguro, Meguro-ku, Tokyo, and ordered a special soy sauce. “Raamen,” he says as he quietly eats beer by himself, looking delicious.
It was a hot day, so Haruna Kawaguchi wore a paper napkin from the shop on her forehead to prevent sweat, and apparently enjoyed eating ramen by herself for the first time in a year and a half. She may feel a sense of familiarity with this figure of hers.
[YouTube] 1人ラーメン第4弾!念願のお店に行ってきたよ!