
特殊部隊 ゲーム

 Alexandre Spindler(@esankiy)さんが紹介する、犯罪事件の捜査官のプレイヤーが、容疑者のいる施設へと踏み込む、ファーストパーソン・シューティングゲーム(FPS)『Unrecord』の宣伝の為に制作された映像作品の様子です。
Translated from Japanese by Google
A video created by Alexandre Spindler (@esankiy) to promote the first-person shooter (FPS) Unrecord, in which a criminal investigator player steps into a suspect’s facility. This is what it looks like.
The world is created like a live-action film, and it feels too real, so I think you can get a high sense of immersion.

[Twitter] First early gameplay trailer for “UNRECORD”, the bodycam FPS…
