
釣り竿 趣味・特技

 釣り名人を目指している怪魚ハンターのマルコスさん(31歳)が、愛犬のヴェンティと一緒に、兵庫県姫路市の姫路港から出港して、兵庫県姫路市家島町(ひょうごけん ひめじし いえしまちょう)にある『黒島』に行き、二泊三日の無人島でのソロキャンプをする様子です。
Translated from Japanese by Google
Marcos (31), a monstrous fish hunter who aspires to become a fishing master, departed from Himeji Port in Himeji City, Hyogo Prefecture, with his pet dog Venti, to Ieshima Town, Himeji City, Hyogo Prefecture. Shimachou) and go to “Kuroshima” and do a solo camp on an uninhabited island for 3 days and 2 nights.
This time, it is a pattern of living to enjoy surf fishing on the first and second days of the solo camp. Camping where you can enjoy fishing in such an environment is refreshing both physically and mentally.

[YouTube] 無人島で想像を超えるものが釣れた。
