
フランスパン 旅行・イベント

 ファッションモデルで女優の仲里依紗(なか りいさ)さん(33歳)が、美容師のなすようこさんと一緒に、クリスチャン・ディオール氏が創立したファッションブランドを展開する『クリスチャン・ディオール』(Christian Dior)のファッション・ウィークに参加する為に、フランスのパリまで行く道中の様子です。
Translated from Japanese by Google
Fashion model and actress Riisa Nakari (age 33) collaborates with hairdresser Yoko Nasu to create Christian Dior, a fashion brand founded by Christian Dior. It is a state on the way to Paris, France to participate in the fashion week of.
This time, Riisa Naka’s treatment of “Christian Dior” as a fashion model is already full of celebrity. However, it seems that the dinner, which is the image of a fashion model eating, seems to be unsatisfactory, but I think it is a healthy meal.

[YouTube] 日本問題児女優仲里依紗がついにパリへ行くよはちゃめちゃパリコレ旅行🇫🇷
