
目薬 告知

 尚、ロート製薬(株)は、パシフィック・リーグのプロ野球球団『千葉ロッテマリーンズ」に所属している佐々木朗希(ささき ろうき)投手(21歳)と広告契約を締結しています。
Translated from Japanese by Google
It is a state of replacing the backnet advertisement of the baseball stadium introduced by Rohto Pharmaceutical official account (@eyecare_cp).
It takes time to replace the backnet ads because it is done manually, and the playback speed of this video seems to be 1.8x.
In addition, Rohto Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. has signed an advertising contract with pitcher Roki Sasaki (21), who belongs to the Pacific League professional baseball team “Chiba Lotte Marines.”

[Twitter] ちなみにバックネット広告の差し替えの様子はこんな感じです(×1.8倍速)…
