
灰色の鳩 ペット・動物

 亜和(@LapaixdAsie)さんが見た、愛知県名古屋市中区にある真言宗智山派(しんごんしゅう ちさんは)の北野山真福寺宝生院(きたのさん しんぷくじ ほうしょういん)の寺院『大須観音』(おおすかんのん)の境内にいる鳩の光景です。
Translated from Japanese by Google
Awa (@LapaixdAsie) saw the Kitanosan Shinpukuji Hoshoin temple of the Shingon Buddhism Chisan sect in Naka Ward, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture. It is a scene of pigeons in the precincts of Osu Kannon.
It seems that the pigeons of Osu Kannon are famous for being accustomed to people. For Nagoya citizens, it may not be so uncommon to see pigeons on their heads.

[Twitter] 愛知怖い。鳩ですらナメてくる
