
三姉妹 告知

 女優の川口春奈(かわぐち はるな)さん(28歳)が、簡単な川口家の家系図を書きながら、自身の家族について述べています。
Translated from Japanese by Google
Actress Haruna Kawaguchi (28 years old) describes her family while drawing a simple family tree of the Kawaguchi family.
Haruna Kawaguchi, the third daughter of the three sisters, has a sociable eldest daughter who is 10 years old and a second daughter who is 7 years old and has a passionate owner. It is said that there is a healthy grandmother who is close to 90 years old. Everyone seems to have a strong personality, and it is an introduction to a family that is full of ups and downs.

[YouTube] 川口3姉妹伝説紹介!
