
走る女の子 告知

 女優の川口春奈(かわぐち はるな)さん(28歳)が、三姉妹の末っ子である幼少期から、中学校1年生で芸能界にデビューするまで、どういう風に育ってきたかを写真で振り返って述べています。
Translated from Japanese by Google
Actress Haruna Kawaguchi (28 years old) looks back through photos on how she grew up, from her childhood as the youngest of three sisters to her debut in the entertainment world in her first year of junior high school. .
This time, we are looking back at the time of her debut, as it is the elementary and junior high school edition of Haruna Kawaguchi.

[YouTube] 【写真初公開】幼少期から中学生までを振り返る!
