
薄毛 健康・美容・医療

 お笑いタレントの江頭2:50こと江頭秀晴〈えがしら ひではる〉さん(57歳)が、(株)あきんどスシローが展開する回転寿司のチェーン店『スシロー』で、ブリーフ団と一緒に、初めて『スシロー』の握り寿司を食べる様子です。
Translated from Japanese by Google
Comedian Hideharu Egashira (57 years old), also known as Egashira 2:50, is a conveyor belt sushi chain store “Sushiro” developed by Akindo Sushiro Co., Ltd., and together with Briefs, “Sushiro” for the first time. It is a state of eating nigiri sushi.
This time, while eating his nigiri sushi, Mr. Briefs L will talk about his own hair transplant surgery on the crown of his head.

[YouTube] スシローに呼び出された
