
エルモ 趣味・特技

 マキヤ(@TwisterMakiya)さんが弟さんから貰った、テレビ番組『セサミストリート』に登場するモンスター『エルモ』が、USBポートに挿すと、一生懸命に腹筋をするUSB TOYの様子です。
Translated from Japanese by Google
This is a USB toy that Mr. Makiya (@TwisterMakiya) received from his younger brother. When the monster “Elmo” that appears in the TV program “Sesame Street” is inserted into the USB port, he does his sit-ups as hard as possible.
The feature of this product is that it does not have a USB memory function and is useless. It may be good when you don’t want to think about anything or when you want to be absent-minded.

[Twitter] 弟が突然「レアなんだぜ」とか言いながら「USBに挿すと腹筋をするエルモ」をくれた…
