Google Mapで見つけた躍動感のある小学生たち

ロボットカー 教育・子育て

 toyo(@toyoshimax)さんが紹介する、Google Mapで東京都渋谷区にある新年会用の店舗を探す過程で見つけた小学生たちの光景です。
Translated from Japanese by Google
Toyo (@toyoshimax) introduces a scene of elementary school students found in the process of searching for a store for a New Year’s party in Shibuya-ku, Tokyo on Google Map.
It seems that elementary school students find a Google Street View shooting car on their way to school and chase after it, but it seems that they are energetic boys in any era.

[Twitter] Google Map にみる躍動感のある小学生
