
大盛りの焼きそば 食べ物・飲み物・料理・レシピ

 フードファイターでYoutuberのえびまよこと海老原まよいさん(27歳)が、神奈川県横浜市中区にある『麺飯食堂 めしきんぐ 関内店』で、揚げ物各種付き焼きそば&焼きラーメンを、制限時間50分の総重量約4.5㎏のチャレンジメニューに挑戦する様子です。
Translated from Japanese by Google
Food fighter and Youtuber Mayo Ebihara and Mayoi Ebihara (27 years old) served yakisoba and yakiramen with various fried foods at the “Menmeishokudo Meshikingu Kannai store” in Naka-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, with a time limit of 50. It seems to challenge the challenge menu with a total weight of about 4.5 kg.
This time, since I didn’t eat a lot during the year-end and New Year holidays, my stomach is getting smaller, so I’m trying to eat a full meal for the first time this year.

[YouTube] 【大食い】揚げ物大量焼きそば10人前制限時間50分のチャレンジメニューに挑戦…
