
飛行機のコックピット 映画・アニメ・漫画

 朝ドラ「舞いあがれ!」(@asadora_bk_nhk)さんが公開する、合成用の動画を映し出すLEDパネルの前で、NHK連続テレビ小説『舞いあがれ!』に出演中の吉川晃司(きっかわ こうじ))さん( 57歳)、福原遥(ふくはら はるか)さん(24歳)、佐野弘樹(さの ひろき)さん(29歳)、目黒蓮(めぐろ れん)さん(25歳)らが、並んで走る様子です。
Translated from Japanese by Google
In front of the LED panel that projects the video for synthesis, released by the morning drama “Maiagare!” Koji Kikkawa (57 years old), Haruka Fukuhara (24 years old), Hiroki Sano (29 years old), Ren Meguro ) (25 years old) and others running side by side.
The whole team follows Koji Kikkawa, who plays the role of Professor Okochi, but just like in the drama, Hiroki Sano, who plays the role of Student Mizushima, can’t keep up and says goodbye. The laughing figure of Professor Okochi, which is not shown in the drama, is impressive.

[Twitter] #オフ動画🛩 なぜか走るチーム大河内の皆さん😆 後ろは動画を映し出すLEDパネル…
