
おせち料理 食べ物・飲み物・料理・レシピ

 歌舞伎役者の中村芝翫(なかむら しかん)さん(57歳)の妻でタレントの三田寛子(みた ひろこ)さん(56歳)が、梨園(りえん)の妻として『成駒屋』(なりこまや)のおせちを仕込む様子です。
Translated from Japanese by Google
The wife of Kabuki actor Shikan Nakamura (57 years old), actress Hiroko Mita (56 years old), will become the wife of Rien at Narikomaya. It looks like I’m preparing a new year’s dish.
This year, under the guidance of her mother-in-law, it seems that they tried making New Year’s dishes at “Narikomaya” by themselves for the first time.

[Instagram] 嫁いで31年かかさず成駒屋のおせちの一品を今年も仕込みが始まりました❣️…
