
キャリーケースを引く人 メイク・ファッション

 女優の山口智子(やまぐち ともこ)さん(58歳)が、YouTubeチャンネル『VOGUE JAPAN』に出演して、普段仕事で持ち歩くバッグの中身を紹介する様子です。
Translated from Japanese by Google
Actress Tomoko Yamaguchi (58 years old) appears on the YouTube channel “VOGUE JAPAN” and introduces the contents of the bag she usually carries around for work.
At the shooting site, I feel that I have everything I need to do my job and things that are related to being healed, based on the idea of surviving on my own.

[YouTube] 山口智子のお仕事バッグを大公開! “もしも”に備えたマストアイテムが勢揃い…
