
車椅子のマーク 自動車・乗り物

Translated from Japanese by Google
Enaga (@takatakata66666), who uses a wheelchair, saw a car parked next to a disabled parking lot.
This parking lot for the disabled is designed so that people using wheelchairs or canes can get in and out by opening the car door wide. I would like to think that I did this because I didn’t really understand the meaning of this hatched space, but it may not be well known.
In addition, the maintenance standards for parking lots for the disabled are 1.4 so that wheelchair users who need to get on and off can be able to get on and off. It is designed to secure a space width for boarding and alighting of m or more.

[Twitter] これ、すごく図々しく聞こえるかも 知れないんですが。 車椅子専用の駐車場の隣に…
