
倶利伽羅剣 アート・CG・イラスト

 尚、「利剣」とは、鋭く尖った刀剣のことで、不動明王が手に持っている「ご利益のある剣」を指します。 又、「名号」とは、「南無阿弥陀仏」の念仏そのものです。「疫病退散の南無阿弥陀仏」として、お守りやお札にもなっているようです。
Translated from Japanese by Google
This is the scene of the hanging scroll that Mr. Inada (@andymizuki) saw, which is a copy of “Riken Myogo” at his parents’ house.
The character style of Namu Amida Butsu'' is written in a style ofRiken Myogo” with the end of the character pointed like a sword tip, and the fourth character “Ya” is a combination of a bow and an arrow. is built.
In addition, “Rikken” refers to a sharp, pointed sword, and refers to the “beneficial sword” that Fudo Myoo holds in his hand. In addition, “Myogo” is the nembutsu itself of “Namu Amida Butsu”. It seems that it is also a talisman and bill as “Namu Amidabutsu for warding off plague”.

[Twitter] 実家にあった掛け軸、てっきり現代の書家の作品かと思ってたら、江戸時代の…
