
記者会見 告知

 (株)毎日放送のMBS NEWSさんが、10月7日(金)に、韓国で創設された新興宗教の宗教法人『世界平和統一家庭連合』(せかいへいわとういつかていれんごう)(旧統一教会)が、東京都で開かれた『日本外国特派員協会』の主催者に、元2世信者の記者会見について、中止を求める文書を送っていたことを伝えています。
Translated from Japanese by Google
On October 7 (Friday), MBS NEWS from Mainichi Broadcasting Corporation announced that the new religious corporation “Family Federation for World Peace and Unification” (former Unification Church) has sent a letter to the organizers of the Foreign Correspondents’ Association of Japan held in Tokyo asking them to cancel the press conference of former second-generation believers.
The press conference was held as planned, and a 26-year-old second-generation woman whose parents were members of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification said, “I want the organization (Family Federation for World Peace and Unification) to be dissolved.” I plead with tears.

[YouTube] 『会見をすぐに中止するように』元2世信者の会見中に旧統一教会から”両親の署名入り…
