
駄菓子屋 旅行・イベント

 台湾出身のYouTuberであるズズこと楊文孜(ヤン ウェンズー)さん(26歳)が、父親の出身地である埼玉県川越市(さいたまけん かわごえし)へ観光に行く様子です。
Translated from Japanese by Google
Taiwanese YouTuber Zuzu (Yang Wenzu) (26 years old) is going sightseeing in Kawagoe City, Saitama Prefecture, where her father is from.
 To Kawagoe, take the train from Ikebukuro Station on the Tobu Tojo Line to Kawagoe Station. Mr. Zuzu and Mr. Hayato, the guide, enjoy eating while walking around Kawagoe’s Taisho Romantic Dream Street, Kashiya Yokocho, Hikawa Shrine, and Toki no Kane.
Kawagoe prospered as a castle town during the Edo period and is known for its streets lined with old storehouses and merchant houses. Kashiya Yokocho, which has been around since the Meiji era, is lined with old-fashioned sweets shops and candy shops.

[YouTube] 人生初埼玉上陸!ズズパパの故郷川越に行ってみたら古き良き町並みが素敵…
