
渦潮 旅行・イベント

 元日本テレビアナウンサーでYouTuberのクノッキーこと久野静香(くの しずか)さん(33歳)が、鳴門海峡(なると かいきょう)の渦潮を見に行く、バイクの一人旅をする様子です。
Translated from Japanese by Google
Former Nippon Television announcer and YouTuber Shizuka Kuno (33 years old), also known as Knokki, is traveling alone on a motorcycle to see the whirlpools of the Naruto Strait.
Anything goes for solo two, but you can understand why it was shelved from past footage that was shelved. I think this will be fun.

[YouTube] ズボラなバイク女子がソロツーしたら、お蔵入りになる模様。
