しろやぎ秋吾の漫画『ちょっと怖い話 その43』

駄々をこねる人 映画・アニメ・漫画

 しろやぎ秋吾(@siroyagishugo)さんが、Twitterのフォロワーさんから寄せられた体験談を漫画に描いた作品『ちょっと怖い話 その43』の光景です。
Translated from Japanese by Google
This is a scene from “A Little Scary Story 43”, a manga by Akigo Shiroyagi (@siroyagishugo) based on the stories of his Twitter followers.
This is a post from a girl who had an experience in front of a restroom at a certain shopping mall 14 years ago when she was in the second grade of elementary school. At that time, it seems that the older sister who noticed the incident called the security guard.
I’m sure you’ll encounter similar situations, but I’d like to be able to quickly tell if a child is about to be kidnapped or if the child is just whining.

[Twitter] 「ちょっと怖い話」その43
