
怪しい儀式 旅行・イベント

 お笑いタレントの江頭2:50こと江頭秀晴〈えがしら ひではる〉さん(57歳)が、教祖の福永法源(ふくなが ほうげん)以下幹部が霊感商法に関わる詐欺罪で摘発された『超宗・法の華三法行』 (ちょうしゅう・ほうのはなさんぽうぎょう)を、摘発前に訪れた時のことを述べます。
Translated from Japanese by Google
omedian Hideharu Egashira (57 years old), aka Egashira 2:50, has been accused of fraud related to psychic marketing by the guru Hogen Fukunaga and his executives. I will tell you about the time when I visited Choshu Honohana Sanpougyo before the exposure.
Next, we plan to visit the new religious corporation “Family Federation for World Peace and Unification” (former Unification Church) founded in South Korea, which is now a controversial religion. There seems to be I’m worried that he will be brainwashed by the beauty followers.

[YouTube] あのカルト教団に潜入して霊感商法の闇を暴いてきた
