
宗教の二世 告知

 紀藤正樹 MasakiKito(@masaki_kito)さんへ届いた、韓国で創設された新興宗教の宗教法人『世界平和統一家庭連合』(せかいへいわとういつかていれんごう)(旧統一教会)を紀藤正樹(きとう まさき)さんが批判することへの嫌がらせと思われる葉書の光景です。
Translated from Japanese by Google
Masaki Kito Masaki Kito (@masaki_kito) sent me a message about the “Family Federation for World Peace and Unification” (Former Unification Church), a religious corporation founded in South Korea. It is a scene of a postcard that seems to be harassment for Mr. Masaki’s criticism.
The text of this postcard gives me a cult-like impression, but I’m curious as to what kind of organization the “Thought Study Group” is.
In addition, Mr. Masaki Kito is a lawyer who has pursued the “Family Federation for World Peace and Unification” (former Unification Church) issue for many years and is working to help the victims.

[Twitter] 8月31日消印で9月2日=先週金曜日に届いたものですが、やはり脅迫状というもの…
