
ざるうどん 食べ物・飲み物・料理・レシピ

 フードファイターでYoutuberのえびまよこと海老原まよいさん(27歳)が、東京都品川区にある『うどん酒場 乃努輿』(うどんさかば のどごし)で、極太肉汁付けうどんを、制限時間30分以内に総重量6㎏のチャレンジメニューに挑戦する様子です。
Translated from Japanese by Google
Food fighter and Youtuber Mayo Ebihara and Mayoi Ebihara (27 years old) served Udon noodles with extra-thick gravy within a time limit of 30 minutes at “Udon Sakaba Nodogoshi” in Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo. It looks like it is challenging the challenge menu with a total weight of 6 kg.
This is her second attempt after failing the challenge menu with a total weight of 4 kg of udon. I am interested in the appearance of Mayo Ebima, who slurps her udon vigorously and eats it with great excitement.

[YouTube] 【大食い】超極太うどん総重量6kg制限時間30分のハードすぎるチャレンジメニュー…
