
セルフレジ 告知

 神代エリシス(@renvelk)さんが見た、(株)バローが運営する、三重県四日市市にあるスーパーマーケット『バロー 北浜田店』の店内レジ付近にある案内告知の光景です。
Translated from Japanese by Google
This is the scene of the guide announcement near the cash register of the supermarket “Valor Kitahamada Store” in Yokkaichi City, Mie Prefecture, which is operated by Valor Co., Ltd., as seen by Erisys Jindai (@renvelk).
As a “notice” of the store, I feel that the words are insufficient and the explanation is insufficient.
In addition, one of the disadvantages of self-checkout is that it is necessary to always assign staff and prepare a system that can provide support at any time in case there is a problem that the customer cannot solve by themselves.

[Twitter] 声に出して読みたい日本語
